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Fragments of medieval manuscripts

Fragments of medieval manuscripts

Under the shelf marks C.170, C.171, C.172, and C.177, the Archive conserves fragments from medieval and modern manuscripts that were recovered from bindings where they served as fly leaves and from account books and music prints where they were used as covers.

The cataloguing work, still in progress, has permitted Archive to undertake a census of fragments, to reconstruct certain folios, to re-group folios belonging to the same volume, and at times, also to identify the manuscript in which the fragment originally appeared.

In the descriptions of the fragments, dimensions (height by width) are provided in millimeters. Following the dimensions is an analysis of the mise-en-page, in which all the constituent elements are described. The symbol # indicates a lacuna; in cases where the symbol precedes a number inside square brackets (used to delimit the area destined for writing), it indicates a lacuna internal to the writing block.

Online Materials (89):

Documenti 21/40 di totali: 89

PT AC, Framm. 21
PT AC, Framm. 21
PT AC, Framm. 22
PT AC, Framm. 22
PT AC, Framm. 23
PT AC, Framm. 23
PT AC, Framm. 24
PT AC, Framm. 24
PT AC, Framm. 25
PT AC, Framm. 25
PT AC, Framm. 26
PT AC, Framm. 26
PT AC, Framm. 27
PT AC, Framm. 27
PT AC, Framm. 28
PT AC, Framm. 28
PT AC, Framm. 29
PT AC, Framm. 29
PT AC, Framm. 30
PT AC, Framm. 30
PT AC, Framm. 31
PT AC, Framm. 31
PT AC, Framm. 32
PT AC, Framm. 32
PT AC, Framm. 33
PT AC, Framm. 33
PT AC, Framm. 34
PT AC, Framm. 34
PT AC, Framm. 35
PT AC, Framm. 35
PT AC, Framm. 37
PT AC, Framm. 37
PT AC, Framm. 38
PT AC, Framm. 38
PT AC, Framm. 39
PT AC, Framm. 39
PT AC, Framm. 40
PT AC, Framm. 40
PT AC, Framm. 43
PT AC, Framm. 43

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Venerd́: 9/13 e 14/18

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Fondazione Cassa Di Risparmio

Diocesi di Pistoia:

Diocesi di Pistoia