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Medieval manuscripts

Medieval manuscripts

This section hosts full and partial reproductions of the Archive’s medieval manuscripts. Those manuscripts that are literary in nature have been catalogued as part of the regional project, Codex, involving the census, evaluation, and conservation of medieval manuscripts in Tuscany. The project’s findings, also available in print (I manoscritti medievali della provincia di Pistoia, cura di Giovanna Murano, Giancarlo Savino, Stefano Zamponi. - Firenze, Regione Toscana, SISMEL, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 1998), can be consulted through the  Codex database.

Online Materials (44):

Documenti 41/44 di totali: 44

PT AC, C.157
PT AC, C.157
PT AC, C.160
PT AC, C.160
PT AC, C.160bis
PT AC, C.160bis
PT AC, C.161
PT AC, C.161

Opening hours:

Venerd́: 9/13 e 14/18

Virtual Tour

Virtual Tour

Website created in partnership with:

Fondazione Cassa Di Risparmio

Diocesi di Pistoia:

Diocesi di Pistoia